CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS COLD SPRING HARBOR, LONG ISLAND, N. Y. January 28, 1957 Dr, Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics The University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Joshua: Thank you for your note of January 27 indicating that you are using our tryptophan data to figure out recombination; I am very glad that you are doing this, Unfortunately, through transduction, linkages can be detected only between markers that are located in the same seg- ment; and, since this occurs very rarely when dealing with unrelated genes, we do not have many opportunities to figure out linkages and use your formula, In fact, so far, the linkage between the try loci and cysB is the only case we have in which unrelated markers are close together, From your letter I understand that you are preparing a mono- graphic review on Recombination, In case you have not already arranged for publication of this review, we would be very much inter- ested in having it appear in Advances in Genetics. The material for the next volume is just being prepared now; and if we could get the manuscript within a month it would come out very promptly. I am looking forward to seeing you in Glasgow and London. With best regards, Sincerely yours, MD:af M, Demerec —