August 1, 1955 Dr. M, Dewerec Department of Genetics Carnggie Institution Gold Spring Harbor, L.I., N.Y. Dear Dr. Deneree: I have only just now had epportunity to see your paper in the Proc, of the 9th Int. Congress of Genetics, A small error erept into your account that I think you would want to lmow about, for the record, Tt concerns the genetic control of phage resistance, In my 1947 Genetics paper, I mentioned at least three Tl-resistant pheno types, As T believe is clearly implied there, these are distinctly ponewaliclic, In particular, the */1" types have always been definitely et different loci fron the "/1,5" types, There may be more then three loel, but there are at least three, which show several percent of recombination among them, Unfor upnately, in X12 (as pa spontancous mutants) we never did Find any volncidentay auxotrephss: I would be willing to bet} that these are non-allelic to the others. However, my wife has recently found that Ips” Is the sams mmibation as Mal,” this is resistance to lembda-2 phage,) I an looking forward te receding Brysonts comment on the seme topic, With regard tam to plelotrepy at the S locus, I must of course agree as to the allelism of the S™ and s4 mutants that have been intercrossed so far, I az less convineed that the other effects are at the same locus , whch requires 2 backcross test that has not, I believe, so far beon reported, 8° mutants, especial: are subject to considerable selective pressure while they are being isolated and carried, aid I suspect they accumulate many additional mutations in the coutse of handling To return te the Tl-resistance, one apparent case of pseudoallelisn turned up thera, and was the basis of discovery of a nondisjunctionul heterezycote, as reported in my 1949 (PNAS) paper. IT have not studied y,P x V,7 " very extensively, but have not found any recombinants in some hundreds of tests? The hetebo ay yous compound was, however, sensitive to TL, so that there is no ole-trans position effect in this case, Yours sincet’ély, “~~ Me Josnue Lederberg