CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS COLD SPRING HARBOR. LONG ISLAND, N. Y. January 11, 1955 Professor Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics The University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Joshua: We are sending you today a batch of about 30 vials with lysates of various mutants. Another shipment will be made within the next few days, as soon as we receive a new supply of small vials. I assume that the symbols we use are not different from yours, and that you won't have any trouble in identifying the material. How- ever, I will just outline in a few words our procedure, A mutant is given a name according to the effect it shows: for example, proline, histidine, cystine, and so on, As a symbol we use the abbreviation of the name. Similar mutants of independent origin receive numbers, in the order in which they were found, Finally, a capital letter is assigned after the mutant has been placed in a group (after the locus has been determined), Thus the complete symbols for some cystineless mutants are as follows: cysA-1, cysA-20, cysB-10, cysB-15, cysC-7, cysC-36, etc. With best regards, Sincerely yours, JA. prerieree, of MD:af M. Demerec