CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS COLD SPRING HARBOR, LONG ISLAND, N. Y. January 5, 1955 Professor Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics The University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Joshua: We will be very glad indeed to supply you with any of the material from our stocks that you can use in your experiments, We have over 200 mutant strains carrying nutritional deficiencies for amino acids, purines, and galactose; and we are now using them for studies of allelism and linkage behavior. We are finding that similar mutants--for example, 50 cystineless, 10 tryptophaneless, 28 histidineless, ete,--can be placed in groups, either using transduction or the study of metabolic blocks, and that the groupings reached by these two methods coincide, You will remember that we are interpreting this situation as an indication that each group represents alleles (pseudoalleles) of a locus. I will be glad to send you one representative strain of each group, or more if you should desire, We can send you lysates, but I am wondering if it would not be more convenient for you to have the bacterial strains so that you can use either lysates or bacteria. As soon as I hear from you about your preference, we will get the material ready to be shipped to you, With best regards, Sincerely yours, / | VWQee, MD:af M. Demerec