December 22, 1954 Dr. M. Demerec Department of Genetics Carnegie Institution Cold Spring Harbor, L.I., N.Y. Dear Dr. Demerec: In order to complete our studies on the genetic determination of flagellar antigens in Salmonella, I am anxious to look for auxotrophic markers that night bealinked to the H, and H. loci. The chanesas of fin- ding any are, of course, very low, but it wottld be worth some effort, It would be extremely helpful and advantageous to us If we could benefit from the work you and your assistants have already done in iso- lating and screening sc many auxotrophs. As our interest lies exclusively in this application, it would suffice for us to have each :mtant locus that we might test represented merely by ita corresponding lysate. In fact, 1f it were convenient for you, we could do very well with a mixture of lysates of diverse mtants, aince our screening method (bebed on selec- tion of H, transductions, and tests for correlated auxotrophics) would auto- matically pick out what we wanted. In preparing such mixtures, it would be wisest to use approximately equal aliquots for each component, and to record what went in for later recosd. I would be auch obliged to you if you can comply with this request. The program will be under the immediate supervision of a naw student from Japan (Tetsuo Iino}. He 1s not due to arrive until February 1, but I would be pleased if the reagents were at hand at that time. Unless we are ummally lucky, we will be spending some time at making more mitants ourselves, and will be happy to exchange anything we run into that would be of particular interest to your program. With best wishes for the season, Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics