- November 12, 1953 Dr. M. Deneres Department of Genetics Carnegie Institution Cold Sorin: Harbor Long Island, New York Dear Dr. Daneros? At this lnte date I womlor if it is stiI2 possible -thet you have a supoly of reprints of your papers on Drosophiln. I would be especially crateful to receive popers bearing on the localization of genes in the salivary chromosomes of Drosophila. Do you know of any laboratorios whore this type of Anvesiigation, muiwly the eritical localization of cenotic factions in indivicuel starxis of the salivary chrenosomes, is goin: on at the prosomt tine? It sevens to mo unfortun:te that intercst in this type of vork seens to have lagged just at the tins when anbicuivties first appear waien dcriaix to bo cCloarod upe Ne Yours sincerely, Josina Lederberg frog ©