Jamary 21, 1953 Dr. M, Demerec Le qT. Biol. Assn. Cold Spring Harboy, L.I.,N.-Y. Dear Or. Demersc: Thank you for your reeent invitation tc partieipate in the fortheoming symposium on Viruses. Mrs. Lederberg and I would like to reserve agcomdations for the entire syaposiua, Owlag to other possible contingencies, our plans for the sunner are still tentative, but we will give you ample notice of any changes, I will not somaent in detail on the program, which is excellent except where Lt strays from the stated subject. I enpreciate that it would be too lata tc alter it at this date, and that Dr. Delbruck shares responsibility for its organization. However, the very structure of the progrsaa fs not sufficiently clear for us to proceed with the preparation of a manuacript. In previous years, there has besn no distinction between "napers"” and "disevsaions",and I must ask what significanes these hold now. I am more concerned about the scope in sub- jeot and extent for the ma. than for the inforssl] presentations at the con- ference, As things stand now, I have no action of the kind of aontribution I am expected te Loraulate, nor how auch leeway we sey heve in choies of subject aatter, length of oral discussion, or pages of manuscript. Let me reassure you that we have nc Intention of prepering aa opus magnus such as cecupied so many pages of tha 1951 volume Unfortunately, we have a contractual obligation that obligas us to clear our remarks end gs. some waeks before their presentation. For this reason, an early clarifioetion would be appraciated. Youre sincerely, Joshua Lederberg