LONG ISLAND BIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION COLD SPRING HARBOR, LONG ISLAND THE BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY January 19, 1951 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Lederberg: The purpose of this letter is to invite you to participate in the Symposium on Quantitative Biology at Cold Spring Harbor this June. The title of the meeting is to be "Genes and Mutations." It is now exactly ten years since the IXth Symposium was held, on the topic "Genes and Chromosomes--Structure and Organization." Since that time there have been many new discoveries, which have considerably modified the picture of the gene held in 1941. Therefore it seems appropriate to devote another session of the Symposia to the problem of the gene, and to offer all who are interested an opper= tunity of taking part in leisurely discussions of the many outstanding questions connected with this problem. All papers and prepared discussions given at the symposium will be published as Volume XVI of the Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology. To facilitate the work of the symposium and to insure prompt publication of its results, all manuscripts should be submitted by June l. According to present plans, the meeting will begin on June 8 and continue through June 15. It is planned as one unit, with the expectation that all the participants will be present throughout the sessions. It has been our experience that this creates an atmosphere stimulating to informal discussion and favorable for the establishment of more durable forms of cooperation in research. All the participants on the program will be guests of the Laboratory during the symposium. The Laboratory is not in a position to pay transportation expenses, except for participants who come from a distance and who otherwise could not attend. In such cases arrangements are to be made in advance of the meetings, for coverage of a part or all of the expense of air or train fare. The tentative program is enclosed. It is, naturally, subject to change, and your suggestions will be welcomed by all those concerned with the development of the plans. At present it is proposed to have three or four papers given by invited speakers on each of the eight days of the meeting, followed by discussions. The chairman of each day will preside at the sessions and will correlate the discus- sions for publication in the volume. I hope that you will find it possible to take part in the symposium, and I will appreciate your filling out the enclosed sheet and returning it to me at your earliest convenience, Sincerely yours, M. Demerec, Director