THE RIDDLE OF LIFE > AN EXHIBITION OF ARTWORKS BASED ON A PARTICULAR DNA MOLECULE AND A BRIEF EPISODE IN THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE Joe Davis IN COLLABORATION WITH Al Wunderlich, Dana Boyd, Michael Shia, Sarah Zehr, Rob Stupay Curtis Lockshin, Elena Guipponi Nathan Heminway, Jude Robinson Shuguang Zhang and Zak Sherzad 16 October-10 November 1995 Ticknor Lounge/Boylston Hall and an installation in Old Harvard Yard (Entrance to Old Harvard Yard at Massachusetts Ave.) Harvard University Cambridge, Massachusetts Reception Friday 27 October 5-7 PM FEATURING AN ACOUSTIC PERFORMANCE BY BAD ART ENSEMBLE HOURS: Mon.-Thurs. 9AM - 9:30PM; Fri. 9AM - 5PM PHONE: (617) 495-8048 In the Fall of 1958, Max Delbriick, the great physicist tumed biologist, sent a mysterious telegram to George W. Beadle at the Nobel prize ceremonies in Stockholm, Beadle received the prize for medicine and physiology in that year. Delbrick had composed his telegram in a form that reflected some of what were then very new and exiting ideas about the nature of DNA and the operation of the genetic code. It was also an important precedent for the idea that extrabiological information - in this case, English language - could be contained in genetic form. The telegram was sent as one continuous ‘word’ with 229 letters: — vo wes pee ° . bi Ts Rae 7 ee AVE ALB BDBADACDUBBAGLCECDACLBBIABBAADCACA BDAPDBBBAAC AACBBBA BDCCDBCCBBDBBBA ADBADA ADCUDCBBADDUACAADSBUSDD ARB ACT AACRCDBABA BDBBBADDABDBBDA BDBACBADBBDBACBBDCBB ABD CACABB ACDA ACADDBBDBBBADDBADAX BBADDBA DAACBCDCACABBABCABCBBDBACBDDACDBDDCBDC The key to unraveling the message was that it mimicked the triplet operation of DNA. In Stockholm, George Beadle managed to crack Delbriick's code and read the English sentence: BREAK-THIS-CODE-OR-GIVE-BACK-NOBEL -PRIZE-1 EDERBERG-GO-HOME- MAX-MARKO-STERLING. The next day, Beadle replied with a slightly different triplet code of his own. Beadle sent his telegram to Delbritck's laboratory at Caltech in Pasadena, California. When Delbriick and his colleagues deciphered Beadle's code they found the return message: GWBTOMDIMSUREITSAFINEMESSAGEIFICOULDDOTHEFINALSTEP The historic ‘biocommunications’ between Stockholm and Pasadena were still not quite complete. Evidently, Delbrack and the group at Caltech weren't ready to let the recent Nobel laureate have the last word. They rallied with yet another mysterious message. At a formal lecture after the Nobel prize ceremonies in Stockholm, Beadle was presented with a molecular model constructed from toothpicks (Delbrack had airmailed it to the presiding officer). Each central ‘rung’ of the ladder-like model was represented by a toothpick stained with one of four colors. Like the coded telegrams, the toothpick mode! contained an English language message, but with a code made up of colors rather than letters. This time, Delbriick chose to encode a particularly poetic message. It embodied a theme that is important to the history of both the sciences and the arts, and a classical philosophical dilemma. The message sent to Beadle in toothpick form echoed the mythological Riddle of the Sphinx in which human beings unwittingly hold the solution to the most difficult problems (which of course, they have created for themselves). Both Delbrick and Beadle had ingenious ideas for exprassing human language in the form of DNA, but in 1958 no synthetic, or artificially constructed nucleic acids were available. A project to create the DNA corresponding to Max Delbriick’'s toothpick molecule was undertaken by Joe Davis, the Laboratory of Molecular Structure at MIT (Alexander Rich Laboratory), and the Burghardt Wittig Laboratory at the Institute for Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at the Free University of Berlin, Germany. The molecule that was first conceived nearly 40 years ago, actually came into existence in January, 1994. The current exhibition is based entirely on the forms and unique operations of this molecule, Max Delbriick's RIDDLE OF LIFE. mvalonf by HG aoa ae ‘Leder phone! NOVEL Stig % Sore Ges