~& vf Memo from To: JOSHUA LEDERBERG Max Delbriick NOVI 197 some references 1. Viruses in fungi. See,e.g., HA Wood, Virology 44:592 1971 -- and references there to Banks, Hollings. See also Banks, Nature 98/1/70 (227:505). 2. "Reduction in dimensionality" This idea has been kicking around for decades in the context of the mechanism of chromosome synap- sis -- with such phrases as "zipper effect". I can't pin down its historical origins, but suspect that E.B.Wilson covered it <1925. Or did you formulate it in 1941? Proressor JosHta LeDERRERG _ 4 Department of Genetics A pr 2 2 School of Medicine , WALD Stanford University Stanford, California 94303 >a ie ft ' a 1 me