November 1, 1968 Professor Max Delbruck Biology Department California Inatitute of Technology Pasadena, California Dear Max: Bruce Brandt called me last week just prior to his setting out for his trip to come here, and I was astonished to hear that he had only just then communicated with you about his plans to work in my laboratory this year. When I talked to him last spring he told me that he had made some tentative arrangements with you, but that his basic preference was to work in microbial wolesular genetics. Perhaps because I did delay briefly in giving him a final answer about whether we had room for him he overlooked the advice I gave him at that time to be sure to clarify his plans with you. I realize what a nuisance it must be, not to mention the discourtesy, for you to get this information so tardily, and I want to assure you that, one, this was in no way condoned or encouraged by me, and two, I have het him know in no uncertain terms what I think of that negligence. I can only hope now that the incident is an isolated one and not a foresign of his future behavior in other areas. He does seem at least at first acquaintance to be a sincere and honest chap, and I really do think thiw was an oversight based on his inexper- fence. In any case, I hope you will accept my regrets, together with his apologies, for such bad manners. Sincerely yours, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics AY ¢77F¢