UNIVERSITY of PENNSYLVANIA PHILADELPHIA 4 DEPARTMENT OF DERMATOLOGY June el, 1951 AND SYPHILOLOGY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Epwarp D. DeLamater, M.D. atesoveate Research Professor Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Bacteriology University of wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin Dear Josh: It was a pleasure to’ see you and Mrs. Lederberg at the meetings, and to hear your material. I am still sorry that I was too beat to stay up for all of your presentations. As I told Miss Lively, I am sending a copy of the manu- seript on methods which will appear shortly in Stain Technology, and which you and she may find useful. I am also including a preparation of mefatherium which I think will pverhans help in orienting you in the analysis of your own material. I hope SO. find that I do not have immediately available an extra photopranhic copy of one of my plates, but I plan to have some of these made and will send you one at a later date. I find this business of getting reorganized after a period of being away is a pain, but gradually thines are be- coming propverly oriented.- Jean joins me in hoping that thines are soing well with you. We hope to see’ you soon. Sincerely yours, sas D. DeLamater, M. D. EDD/aj Research Professor Bnel.