Jamuary 17, 1955 Professor Peter P. H. de Bruyn Department of Anatomy University of Chicago Chicago 37, Illinois Dear Dr. de Bruyn: Thank you for your letter of Jamary 12, I was exe tremely gratified by the interest and confidence that led you to make the invitation, Unfortunately, I am unable to consider the project that you propose at the present time since within the last few weeks I have signed a contract with another pub- lisher for a book along rather similar lines. I agree that monographs along the lines of the indi- cated series are badly needed, and I wish you every success for the series. I trust that every effort will be made to minimise the price and maximise the distribution. The ob- jectives that you stated are precisely those that I had in mind for my own short monograph, I am sure that your book will be an outstanding success, Yours sincerely, Josma Lederberg Professor of Genetics wt rey