THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO CHICAGO 37+ ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF ANATOMY 12 January 1955 Dr. J. Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin Dear Dr. Lederberg: The University of Chicago Press has embarked upon the publication of a series of small books on various selected topics in the field of biological and medical sciences. The Series is based on the feeling that the present degree of specialization and diversification in biology make it difficult for the scientist to be informed about the developments outside of his own field. The purpose of the Series is to present authoritative information about the growth and status of various fields in biology and medicine, in such a fashion that the books may be read with profit not only by the specialist; but also by those whose interest lies in other fields. Consequently, the textual approach of the books in this Series is somewhat different than ordinarily used by the specialist. Instead of a detailed presentation of the factual knowledge, there should be emphasis on introductory concepts and probleme, the present status of the subject and methods of approach and clarification of terminology. Despite the fact that the books are written for a diverse scientific audience, they are obviously not intended to be popularizations of the subject matter. I believe that these books will be of real interest and value to workers in the various fields of biology and medicine. The books in this Series will be attractively published; the page size is approximately 54 x 84 inches. They will contain about 150 pages or 50,000 words. This Series is now well under way. ‘wo books, one by LeGros Clark and one by Franklin Mclean will be published in February 1955; while two others, one by Finney and one by Greenstein will follow shortly thereafter. The publications of books in biological and medical areas by The University of Chicago Press is sponsored by a committee of faculty members consisting of: Dr. E.B. Bay, Professor of Medicine; Dr. L.T. Coggeshall, Professor of Medicine and Dean of the Division of the Biological Selences; Dr. L.R. Dragstedt, Professor of Surgery; Dr. T. Park, Professor of Zoology; Dr. W.H. Taliferro, Professor of Bacteriology and Parasitology; and Dr. P.P.H. De Bruyn, Professor of Anatomy. This committee has appointed me Editor of this Series, The purpose of this series of books can only be achieved through the contribu- tion of authors who are distinguished investigators in the various fields. I believe that a book by you, concerned with microbial variation would be an excellent addition to the Series, I hope that you may give this matter careful thought and communicate further with me as soon as convenient. The remuneration is $500, of which $250 1s paid upon acceptance of the manuscript and $250 within thirty days after return of the final proof. In addition to this, the author will be paid 10% royalties on all receipts. Very trply your Behr We ler Biny PPHDeB-h1k Peter P.H. De Bruyn —.