VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY NASHVILLE 5, TENNESSEE DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGY April 26, 1952 Dr. J. Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Nisconsin Madison 6, wisconsin, Dear Dr. Lederberg: We are looking for a young man to add te our staff in the Division of Racteriolopy for this Department. The primary desiderata are; il. That he shall have or be well on the way toward the completion of his Ph.D. before September, 1952; 2. That he shall be able to teach and participate in the supervision of graduate student research in a. the fundamentals of viruses with special reference to bacterial viruses; b. serology and immunology; c. enzymolory with special reference to bacterial enzymes. The initial appointment will be at the assistant professorship level with a beginning salary of $1,900.90 to “4,509.00 for the nine months period beginning in September and ending in June. I shall count it a great favor if you can inform me whether or not you can recomned anyone who could qualify or approximately qualify for this position. At the A.I.8.S. meetings last September Dr. T1lda McVeigh talked with Mr. Norton Zinder who stated that he might be interested in the position should it open. I should be glad to hear what you may have to say about him or any others you may care to recommend, Sincerely yours, Warren McA. Deacon, Head Wc ADB