April 25, 1955 Mr. Hobert A. Day Librarian Editor Institute 6£ Microblology Rutgers University New Brunswick, N.d. Dear Mr. Day: Thank yoy for your message of the 21st. In fact, I haw tried &o save a very few copies of all my papers for just such high-priority requests as your own and will send what I can under separate cover. I am also enclosing a bibliographic list. I trust it will not be necessary to send you item # 39, and Dr. Nelson can give you #44. Items 9 and 16 are exausted but have been reprinted in "Papers in Microbial Genesics" which is still in print (see enclosed circular). I will keep the Inetitute (or Dr. Waksman) on my regular mailing list for future publications. Yours sincerely Joshua Lederberg oe Professor of Genetics Enc: P, Ql, 22