RUTGERS UNIVERSITY The State University of New Jersey INSTITUTE OF MICROBIOLOGY NEW BRUNSWICK, NEW JERSEY April 21 3 1955 CHARTER 7-1766 Dr. Joshua Lederherg Department of Genetics The University of Wisconsin College of Agriculture Madison, Wisconsin Dear Dr. Lederberg: Under separate cover I am sending you about lO reprints of Dr. Waksman's on the general subject of actinomycetes. In your letter you state that you are “eager to exchange". As a matter of fact, I have been meaning to write to you for some time on exactly this subject. We have the following plan in mind, if it meets with your approval. We would like to get as complete a file as possible of reprints from all of the prominent investigators in the field of microbiology. What we would like, then, is a collection as near complete as possible of your scientific papers, so that they could be bound in a volume or volumes and retained in the Institute Library as a permanent landmark in the literature of Microbiology. We are writing to several dozen other prominent microbiologists, and we hope that most of them will be able to comply with this request. If the Institute Library can collect this kind of material, it will constitute the nucleus of an extremely valuable storehouse of microbiological information, It will be of great historical importance, as well as being extremely useful to the staff of the Institute and scientists elsewhere who may wish to borrow our materials through the inter- library loan system. We realize that we are being completely presumptuous in asking you for a complete set of your reprints, but we are convinced that the Institute Library is the logical place for such collections to be housed. If we are successful in getting this type of material, you yourself perhaps will find occasion to make use of this material. If you have no reprints whatever of some of your early papers, perhaps you could send us references to these papers, and we would be happy to undertake the expense of making photostatic copies of these papers to be bound in with the set of reprints that we are hoping you will send. We know you will give this request your most serious consideration and we hope that it will be possible for you to reply in the affirmative. Sincerely, Robert A. Day RAD: LC Librarian-Editor