April 12, 1956 Dear Josh, Thank you for your farewell letter which reached us at the Fund's New York office. I gained much from our all too limited contacts may be there will be other opportunities later. I went to a fund dinner last week and very briefly met Bruce Stocker who enquired after you and Esther. He asked me if there were any truth in a rumour that you are going to Australia for a visit. If you are I hope you may pass by our way so we may return your hospitality. At the moment I'm setting up some repeat mutation experiments with Cladosporium and then I'll junk the organism. I am now going ahead with some ideas on nuclear and possibly somatic recombination in [ . . . ]. We have a Canadian, Clayton Person who is going to join Johnson at Winnipeg this fall, working in our cytology lab. He finds large nuclei which have two nucleoli in sectiared stem [ . . . ] material. They occur rarely but look like diploid nuclei. [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] We may be able to work something out with [ . . . ] before he goes. John Innes is at present involved in cataclysmic evolution. We have a new department of cell biology at present in [ . . . ] but joining us as soon as buildings can be put up. The new director has a refreshing approach, has firmly grasped the reins and I feel (and I hope) the old place is off at a gallop once more. We made some interesting visits on the east coast meeting Walksman, Szybalski Nickerson at Rutgers. I met Partecoruo briefly at Columbia writing up his lectures. We were amused by Seymour (enfant terrible) Hutner. In fact we were very sorry to leave the U.S. We'd like to come back soon. Our best regards to you and Esther. Remember us to the others. Yours as ever, Peter