MALCOLM P. ALORICH PRESIDENT DIVISION OF EDUCATION E.K.WICKMAN DIRECTOR LANSING V. HAMMOND ASSOCIATE MARTHA M. ENGLISH ASSISTANT THE COMMONWEALTH FUND HARKNESS HOUSE i EAST SEVENTY-FIFTH STREET NEW YORK 21, N. ¥. TELEPHONE: LEHIGH 5-0400 HARKNESS HOUSE, LONDON 35 PORTMAN SQUARE, WI. TELEPHONE: WELBECK 5223 New York, February 23rd, 1955. * CORLEY PUTT l LO FEB 29 1956 Dear Professor Lederberg: I am happy to inform you that the Executive Committee of the Commonwealth Fund has just granted a Fellowship extension to Dr. Peter Day. May I take this opportunity to thank you again on behalf of the Fund for what you have done for Dr. Day and for us. Yours gratefully, Lourivg U- Nauuoud Professor Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin LVH: BM