January 27, 1955 Dr. L. V. Hammond The Coomonmealth Fund 1 East 75 Street New York 21, N.Y. Dear Dr. Hammond: I am pleased to answer your letter of the 25th concerning Dr. Peter Day. While his laboratory research has been principally with Professor Keitt, my own laboratory has enjoyed his frequent visits, discussions, participation in seminars, etc., so that I beliewe I can give a competent judgment. I can answer you quite fully and briefly with my conclusion that he would be eligible, without qualification, by each of the three criteria. We are delighted to have him here, but respect his primary ties with Britain; he is a first rate scientific scholar and has alwaye shown a lively interest in what is going on, both scientifically and culturally; he is an excellent representative of his home country (though has affability and friendliness belie the stereotyped lapression of the Englishman); his work has been of such a nature, and especially with such material, that the ex- tension would be indispensable to rounding it out. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics