April 26, 1955 Dear Dr, Ledfson: I would appreciate your extending a previous favor by furnishing reprints of your more recent papers (1953-1955) on bacterial flagellation. I have your 1951 (J. Bact.) and 1952 (J. Path. Bact.), but if any have been received subsequently, they can no longer be found in ay file. I am of course happy to continue to exchange, and take the opportunity to forward the current enclosures. Yours sincerely, Q ‘Joshua Lederberg - Frofesscr of Geretics ¢ at P.S. What, if anything, do you make of Bisset's account of old-young polarity in dividing bacteria’ It is an attractive idea that I would like to be able to believe. However, in my own obapsvations on fission of motile cells, both daughters have been equally motile at the moment of separation (this is Salmonella). Perffapssome polar monotrichs would be more suitable for looking at this. Have you any observations on the point, or can you recommend or provide a culture that is quite characteristically monotrichous (in which it may be suppused that flagallar development is postponed relative to fission)?