THE COMMONWEALTH FUND HARKNESS HOUSE 1 EAST SEVENTY-FIFTH STREET NEW YORK 21, N.Y. TELEPHONE: LEHIGH 55-0400 MALCOLM P. ALDRICH PRESIDENT DIVISION OF EDUCATION HARKNESS HOUSE, LONDON E.K.WICKMAN DIRECTOR 35 PORTMAN SQUARE, W. ft. TELEPHONE: WELBECK 5223 LANSING V. HAMMOND ASSOCIATE $.GORLEY PUTT MARTHA M. ENGLISH New York, January 25th, 1955 WARDEN ASSISTANT Dear Professor Lederberg: As you probably know, Peter Day is putting in an application for a six months! extension of his Com- monwealth Fund Fellowship. He feels that this extra time will be necessary to round out and bring to satis- factory conclusion the studies he has been undertaking with you and your colleagues this year. Extensions of Fellowships are granted by the Common- wealth Fund's Executive Committee to especially out- standing Fellows who have sound reasons for an extended stay. The criteria are shown on the attached sheet. We should very much appreciate it if, as soon as pos- sible, you would give us your opinion of Mr. Day and your judgment whether or not he meets the criteria for extension. Sincerely yours, Lying Vi Hewrerct Professor J, Lederberg Genetics Department University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin LVH : BM Fnelosure l. JAN 25 1955 COMMONWEALTH FUND FELLOWSHIPS Criteria for Extensions Qutstanding ability - The Fellow should have won the respect of these with whom he is working and be considerec a man of distinct promise in his professional field; in ability and industry he should measure up to the best of Amtrican graduete scholars or post-doctoral fellows. Without neglect of his studies, the Fellow should be showing capacity and interest to broaden his understanding of American people, life customs, and institutions. Valid reasons for extension ~ It should be clear that the extension is required in order to revnd out studies taat ean be carried out to particular advantage in the United States and will be terminated within the veriod of extension. Return to home country - There should be no question taat the Fellow is seeking primarily to prolong his stay in this country or that he is avoiding return for any reason, or that extension is likely to make his return difficult or promote permanent residence in the United States.