June 18, 1954 Dear My, Day: This will acknowledge your letter of the 11th. Mrs, Stem: had your letter in hand when I called her, and will do whatevershe can on your behalf. I hope you will find it possible to bring your family, but I doubt if it will be possible to secure a firm advance commitment. On the other hand, Mrs. Stemm told me that she could accurately write that you should have no serious difficulty in obtaining suitable accomodation Sfter your arrival. If this certification is inadqquate for your special requirement, she will have to see what else can be dpne. If you happen to be in New Yorks late in t or early September, why not get in toush with Dr. B. D. Davis, who not unknown in the field of biochemical genetics. He will be Professor of Pharmacology at the N.Y. Univ. Medical Schoo] & will be in touch with me should I be in the vicinity (which is not unlikely). Good luck ard bon voyage, Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Profeasor of Genetics