JOHN INNES HORPICULTURAL INSTITUTION Via: Air Mail Bayfordbury Nineteenth Hertford January Herts. 1954 Dear Professor Lederberg, It was kind of you to reoly with such consideration to Mr. Day's enquiry about the possibility of working at Madison, and I am hastening to send you and Professor Keitt the letter of recommendation which you ask for. I think that you would find Day a very accevtable member of a research team and a good worker. I am anxious for him to have the wider exoerience which he would get from the unique opportunity that Madison offers with the double attraction of your department and Professor Keitt'’s. For the letter of recommendation I cannot do better than the enclosed copy of my confidential letter sent to the Fellowship Selection Committee. I shall oe extremely grateful for any held you can give Day. With kind regards, Yours sincerely, Prof. J. Lederberg, Department of Genetics, University of Wisconsin, Madison 6, United States of America.