JOHN INNES HORTICULTURAL INSTITUTION Bayfordbury, Hertford, Herts January 19, 1954. Dear Dr. Lederberg, Thank you for your very helpful letter of the 13th. I have written to Professor Keit& to-day outlining my thesis studies. If I am fortunate enough to come to Madison I shall be delighted to take up your kind invitation to seminars and discussions. I am arranging for Professor Keit& to receive letters of reference from Dr. Lewis and Professor C.T. Ingold, under whom I studied at College, and have asked them to write to you too, With regard to the samuts, I do know David Perkins’ work on Ue pares. I have corresponded with him several times. My intention was to work with the anther smuts - of Melandrium album and M, rubrum (U. violacea).. I have the two Melandriums and their hybrid but have not-yet worked with the smuts although I have material. of both types. . . Tr shall certainly get in touch with Dr. Paul Allen and am glad you mentioned him. Thank you once moré, Yours sincerely, ou i Bites Dr. J. Lederberg, . Dept. of Genetics, University of Wisconsin, Madison 6, Wisconsin, U.S.A.