February 12, 1953 ‘Dr. J. Walter wilson Department of Biolesy Brown University Frovidence 12, Rhode Island Dear falter: As a metber of fact I think I can suggest someone who would be u first class candidate us a biologics) bectariologist. He happens to be my brother, Dr. Seymour Locerberg, and tn the ordinary course of affairs I wuld slaply refer you te luria and Stenier for detailed information on acoount of cur fraternal raletionship. There is a qusatioa of tin however as ha is considering sone alternative possibilities right now a0 Iwill enlsege i bit. Ha dows plea te tuke a trip sagt at the cnd of thig zonth to leck over waother possibility, so Lf you did want to have a chance to confer with hiw, you might find it edvantagesous to contact him Givast.y. at the pregent tlre he ta a "visiting apsistant professor cf bactariology" at the Universlty 0. YWiforale ob barkeley. Thin laa strictly tamorary position snicn was cree ted te ralisve Standier of his teaching dutices fer ua peried of time while he wee onc research fellow ship in situ. seymour tcouk his bn.d. in bacteriology with Loria anc hes always hed = strong biechaaical orfentation. dic when spent oro years on a poatedoetoral fellowship «ith Dan azia in the Zuvology Departaent at Berkeley. He has been working cn the interchange beteeen RNA and DNA in Tetrahymens. : a I won't go so far as to offer what mould Anavitably ba ew biased assessment cf his qualifications. IT knew that he enjoys teaching ay wall ag research and ha has oftan axpressed an intereat in pursuing his career in the context of general biclogy rather then pacterlLolory. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Hedisal Genetics JL/ew 7 P. S. Iam sure you would have the discretion not to bring my name into any conversations you muy have with Seymour,