JOHN INNES HORPICULTURAL INSPITUTION Via: Air Mail Bayfordbury Ninth | Hertford . _ January Herts. , 1954 Dear Dr. Lederberg, I am very keen to spend @ period of study and research in the United States after presenting ny Ph.D. Thesis in March this ‘year. I have been working with a pathogenic fungus Cladosporium fulvum which has several well defined physiologic races distinguished by reactions on-a differential tomato host plant series. The object of the work was breeding for. resistance and studying variation in the fungus. I produced some mutants and have sent 4 note on this for the next number of the Microbial Genetics Bulletin. Unfortunately my. other publications will not be out before June and later. However I would pe pleased to send you further details of my work. I want to study methods and techniques in mbcrobial genetics so that I can aoply them to some plant pathogens. For instance I would Like to try working out.baeterial methods with the sporidial stage of a smut fungus. I am also interested in physiologic «gpeeialisation through. heterogaryosis. -— to see if it oceurs in * pathogenic fungi. oe ff amwriting bd. find owt if I could spend some time wth you <-y Have applied fora Commonwealth Fellowship and also in Madison: » I _ for & NationalAcademy of Sciences F.G.A. Fellowship. ~I cannot of = gourse estimate my. gnanees,.of getting one of these and would be pleased “to know of any post-doctoral or other research fellowshios tenable at “Madison. I:want to have ‘my wife and child with me during my stay. I have been on the staff of the Genebics Department here under Dr. D. Lewis since 1951 and I know he would willingly give you an account of me. . Yours sincerely, PR. Day B.Se., . , Scientific Officer, Genetics Departmént. pr. J. Lederberg, Department of Genetics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, United States of America.