FEDERAL SECURITY AGENCY PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE WASHINGTON 25, D.C. IN REPLYING, ADDRESS THE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE REFER TO: Tuberculosis Research Laboratory, 411 East 69th St., New York 21, N. ¥. November 21, 1951. Dr. Joshua Lederberg, Department of Genetics, The University of Wisconsin, College of Agriculture, Madison 6, Wisconsin. Dear Joshua: I thought you might like to know about the further follow-up on some of your mutants, though I don't suppose the details of their metabolic behavior are very important for your purposes. W-1427 is a quadruple aromatic auxotroph blocked at the earliest known site: Ait responds well to shikimic acid or its precursor, 5-dehydroshikimic peda, and Poorly to the next precursor, which we call Compound We Lio pee’ elutrciig g eg ine ” SW-38 accumulates a large amount of Compound Zl and small amounts of shikimic and 22, while W1104, W-1426 and W-1150 accumulate Z2 and shikimiec, without any Zl. Z1 and 22 are biologically inactive derivatives of shikimic acid that yield shikimic acid on autoclaving with acid. 2Z1 seems to arise at a later step since our several dozen mutants fal]. into the same groups as yours, namely, accumulators cf Zl plus a trace of 22, or else of Z2 without Zl. One excepticnal property of your strains is that W-1426 is an almost,22 accumulator with very little shikimic, and is uneffected by the presence or absence of citrate in the medium. This is the behavior of one of our Aerobacter mutants, whereas our &. coli strains of this group tend to accumulate a much higher ratio of fw shikinigg.and the ratio is increased by the presence of citrate. J don't know what all this means metabolically, but it suggested that W-1426 might be an Aerobacter rather than a coli, On testing for this possibility, we find it to be an inter- mediate; in contrast to Aerobacter it does not utilize citrate as a wWiole carbon source, but in contrast to our W coli its response to glucose is accelereted by citrate. Dr. J. Lederberg November 21, 1951. PF=21 turns out to be no longer an unknown, since it responds well to B,, or methionine. We found it to be quite unstable and mixed, so if a pure culture derived from it would be useful to you I would be glad to send it back, The identification of this mutant proved difficult since it is inhibited by components of the usual mixtures that we are at present tracking down. I find this of more than casual interest since the existence of a By 2/methicnine requirement in coli and By >/ desoxyribosides in lactobacilli has presented something of a mystery. The presence of the By 2/methionine requirement in a Pseudomonad might be worth a brief note somewhere. Since this is your mutant, how would you feel about it? I would rather mention it in the course of some other paper, but unfortunately have dropped Bio for the time being. Incidentally, you might be as amazed as I was to iearn that at Merck they run 2,000 assays a day with our B)>/methionine strain. Just tell that to your dishwasher} PF-11, which requires a pyrimidine plus citrulline, ig inter- esting in utilizing orotic acid as a pyrimidine; wg our corresponding coli mutant does not. I got PF-11 and PF-21 confused in my letter of September 28th and hope you will make the correction. FF=21 is leucine plus B,/methionine. I wonder whether vou could give me an answer to the question raised in my latter of October 10th as to whether the methionine plus lysine requirement of W-1C69 arose from a single mutation. I would like to mention this fact in discussing POB function at an ACS symposium on B vitamins in Texas next month. I hope the washed agar proved satisfactory; if you want a little more we would be glad to send it, and if you want a regular supply the recipe is easy to follow. I thought you might be interested in the enclosed manuscript, which is being submitted as an editorial in Public Health Reports. It represents an effort to disseminate Truth among the Masses. Have a nice Thanksgiving. Sincerely yours, < Deve’. ¢ Bernard D. Davis BDD/h1