MBL Woods Hole [Until Sept 1] Aug 20, 1951 Dear Josh and Esther - Thanks a lot for the wonderful picture - much the most colorful I've ever "taken" - Also it looks a lot more relaxed than I feel this summer. I think California was better for me than this crowded nest of holidaying busmen[?]. Actually, I like the Cape's climate and atmosphere very much, and have managed to do a fair amount of writing this summer, along with a daily swim. I'm sorry Werner's mutants didn't come off. I'm still very much interested in looking into the autonomy of allele action, and hop to stand on it this fall. The stability of yeast temps me to start with this organism, but if it doesn't work out I'd like to take up your invitation to try the heterozygous E. coli. Meanwhile it seemed to me that there's one simple expt you might care to try. The mode of action of streptomycin (and other scides[?]) is surely very different from the purely static action of the known metabolite analogues, such as sulfonamides[?] their mechanisms[?] of resistance might also be quite different. Since one would expect, if the inference concerning [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] qual. active[?] is correct, that resistance would be dominant and active. You've found it to be recessive with streptomycin how would you like to find (if you haven't already done so) whether sulfonamide[?] resistance is dominant? In the course of writing up some papers on aromatic synthesis, I remembered that your volume of reprinted papers will include the now out-moded diagram of anoin[?] synth. in the Exper. paper. You may recall that we originally interpreted the quad. triple, and double auxotropes[?] as bring blocked at successively later reactions. Might it not be advisable, if not too late, for the editor to insert a footnote correcting this error? The 1951, model (which I'm really convinced will stand) has recently been submitted to J. Bact., but I haven't yet heard from them. Hope you're having a good summer, and lots of fun with the filtrable[?] factor. Thanks again for the lovely picture, Best, Bernie. P.S. As E. coli W and K-12 have shown one striking difference in pre-aromatic accumulation, I may try further strains, and wish to record the parentage of the strains now being reported. Could you send me a source for the S. typhinumrium[?] whose offspring Norton, sent me? Thanks