soe onene Vhs. R-D. mean we ag ce ry _TITUTE _ NR4 7UH ' {52571 ~p your letter dated 17.4.87 . 3where, โ€”โ€”โ€” 1G MAY 11 1887 Qe meses May 5th, 1987. 2 term "CONGRESSION" in es retired member cf the tial interest in the history ned me that in "The Dictionary jefinition of Congression gscmes into the equatorial jiven by Darlington in , 1937, is: "The movement ate." Dre. Harrison, who ters, says that Professor sith reference to linked _ fiously used the term with ft al. in their "A glossary mtion Darlington as the 1937. I enclose a copy genetic nomenclature copied other publications in '.Boyes, et al.1973.1 have tems marked with a cross. on the Bateson Letters. ofessor Mather about your his address is: ngham, P.O.Box 363, (Mrs. R.D.Harvey, Archivist). ยป Professor Joshua Lederberg, The Rockefeller University, 1230 York Avenue, New York 10021.