Dear Ann and Jim We so enjoyed your "Christmas card"--for many years a custom we gave up--I've been looking for a moment to respond. 5 grandchildren! I started too late to have any hope of that. Annie is 9 1/2, and writing this letter recalls the Laura I was so fond of at that age. She has the same sparkle and inquisitiveness. David is a freshman at Harvard: a bit stunned, even after Collegiate School in N.Y. with the demands, and learning how to relax, and use his time, well enough to perform up to his capacity, and enjoy it besides. Marguerite and I are--one has to say--consumed by work: interesting, intense, and unremitting. I'll have to make do with a few "official" reports to let you in on what I'm doing. Marguerite is busier than ever as psychiatrist at Memorial Hosp. on top of wife, mommy, and hostess. [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] We do spend August at our old home in Palo Alto--another locus of possible visit. [END PAGE TWO] [BEGIN PAGE THREE] Running (incl. fundraising for etc.) the university is 2 full time jobs, but here happily not at all like a large multiversity: at least in discourse, I'm as much in a breadth of scientific thinking as ever. I'm also spending a lot of time in Washington as a volunteer in national security matters (I guess paying back my Navy U-12 education from W.W.II). And I'm trying to enhance the expertise that should go into the capital markets that are N.Y. City's main value added (or subtracted) to the country's economy. The present system is ludicrous. You must be in New York sometime. We do have lots of room, and with any luck could see some of you if you stayed here, so please do plan to visit. Jim--re son of [ . . . ] and Owen, do see Laura May's Genetics--a Molecule Approach. Obviously a general text needs less mol-gen detail and more [ . . . ] but that sets a high standard . . . I've been enjoying Joan Fisher Box' biography, esp. its accounts of Luca[?]. Yours, Joshua