Jelbourne Oct. 37, 1957 Dear Jim: I have just sent, rather tardily, ams. to the PNAS on "Sibling recombinants in pedigreed zygotes of E. coli", No. 670. This should have been finished up before I left Madison, but I just now got around to it. I asked the PNAS to return proof to you in case it arrived before our return. Would you do the favor of reading it? They will, I trust, send a copy of the ms. Esther and I bhee finally fixed our further itinerary, a copy of which is enclosed. Would you give this to Bette, and also ask that a copy of it be sent over to Dean Bowers' office? Instructions about mail are also attached. Back to Paper No. 670: before leaving, I had already left instructions to order 800 reprints, including 100 covers, payable from NIH funds. Would you keep an eye on that too? It is just possible that proof would get back early in November; more likely by now it will make the next month's issue. I'm just in the middle of an experiment-- isolating single lymphocytes from doubly-immunized rats to see whether they can produce g@mukkx both species of antibody (viz. from one cell) -~-so will sign off. Enclosed also a brief note for Jackie: oe