Me Bebe ? Woods Hole, Mass. pe August 3, 1954 Dear Jim: Thanks for sending us the news, good and bed, of your letter of the 28th. We are just getting ourselves comfortably established, having srrived Sunday PM. The place 4s orawling with geneticists et-. (Sturt', Atwood, Eohrusei's, Watson%Crick, Whitings, Sagers....). Tracy hasn't cone up just yet. 7B It's been hot (80's) but now it's colder and wetter. Did Allison come? If he's there, would you ask Det to let hin have a selection of any reprints he wants from off ow table-- he'd said sonething of the sort. I hope the Wrights do find something-- I can't think of anything offhand. Don't hesitate to use 2728 Regent as a guesthouse for distinguiched visitors, i? convenient to gu. One other favor~- we've not seen our statement from the Ist Nat Bank, and will need it. I suspect that it wae stored away at home as '2d clase" wail-~ could you ask Lavra to look for it when she feeds the oat? We would appreciate this very much, Give our best to Bob ani spouse. Any word on remodelling? If you see Rowland, would you mention that we ought to have some facility (like present makeshift) around the dishwashing sink for storace of stainless trave (per size of new ones), glassware, ete. If he can put something on the drawings, we'll] detail it. If you can just pass this message to Aleck, he probably has a clear idea of what I mean. i f f ? Our heet~te everyone, if