GENETICS A PERIODICAL RECORD OF INVESTIGATIONS BEARING ON HEREDITY AND VARIATION R. Alexander Brink, Managing Editor Georce W, BeapLe Brap.ey M. Davis James F, Crow, Associate Managing Editor University of Wisconsin Donatp F, Jones T. M. SonneBoRN ALFRED H. StruRTEVANT California Institute of University of Michigan Connecticut Agricultural Indiana Universit: California Institute of Technology Experiment Station {Representative of the Technology ics Society of America) Wiiuiam E. CastLe L. C. Dunn M. M. RHoapes L, J. STADLER SewaLi_ WricHT University of California Columbia University University of [inois U. S. Dept. of Agriculture University of Chicago University of Missouri JOHN W. GowEN Georce H. SHULL Curt STERN lowa State College Princeton University University of California Editorial Office: Genetics Building, University of Wisconsin, Madison 6, Wisconsin July 28% 1954 Dear Esther and Josh, Enclosed is a letter whinh I sent to Lindegren today. I find his manuscript almost impossible to read, but the general conclusion that no manipulation of the data can satiafactorily account for his excess of 2-strand doubles in regions I and IV (not immediately adjacent to the centromere) is all right. I have written Perkins; maybe he'll send a copy or summary of his remarks on Lindegren's datae We ahall be glad to have 4 visit with Allison when he comes. I sent some of the probability paper to Neel and will see that Allison gets some alse The cat is well! Mrs. Wright is due in town tomorrow to hunt for housing. to chauffer her around. Ann is going You will be saddened to hear, if y-u haven't already, that Gerhard Sander died daturday. society Monday evening. Best regards, There was a memorial service at the Unitarian Sincerely, a Ns Bot Wr co Ve C2 Praryied Chung (4 o