a July 29, 1950 i wf ‘ Dear Jin: - Much to my dismay, I've just discovered that although I ha@ taken along 2 large part of my reprint collection, I had forsetten to take copies of my own papers for readings by students in my microbial genotics course here. Yould it be too mich to ask you to send some of these on to me? The papers of which I need reprints are UW-Genetics Mes. 410, 394, 391; Problema in microbial genetics; Gene recomb'nations and linked segregations in E. coli (Genetics 194%), and Gene recombination in the bacterium E. coli (Je Bact. 1947), two copies of each. In the back of the segond or third drawer of my large file cabinet, there is a pile of several coplee of each reprint from which these numbera may be taken. You may also notice cardboard~beound reprints of panern by Beadle, Luria,».. on the shelf over my typing desk. If you do notice them, I can use them too. Bette has &he key to the old-fashioned lock in my office door. Ye alco just received the receipt for devosit of the Pauls! chest. Thanks very much for all the trouble youflve taken. I wish we ecoult send you some of the beautiful Berkeley climate (ware sun - cool air) and view over San Fransisco Bay and the Golden Gate in reeompense. We're livine in a relatively huge house high up the hille behind the campus. Unfortunately, there are twe larre Sequoias in front of the house which obatruct the vicu from our front porch. Aleo, it is always somewhat of c struccle to urse the car up the ateep grades, but in all, ono couldn't ask for a better location. With best rorcards, Sinesrely,