DR. HELEN V. CROUSE BIOLOGY DEPARTMENT TON — GOUCHER COLLEGE iz &» | DON'T BALTIMORE @, MD. SFO E oI CIVIL Be ~~ LS %u ic { THIS SIDE OF CARDIS FOR ADDRESS J Dr. Joshua Lederberg Dept. of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin ve 1 gept., 1955 Dear Doctor Lederberg; I have obtained cermission from your pub- lishet to use your excellent article "Sex in Bacteria" taken from the book Sex in Microorganisms in my genetics course at Goucher this year. Instead of using a text book, I am having a series of original articles mimeographed. In case you have a reprint of the articie I should very mich like to obtain a cépy. Also, allow me to thank you for the reprnts you have sent me in the past and also to say how very much I admire your beautiful studies and the clear manner in which you write them up for publication. Sincerely yours,