CENTRAL : TORONTO 360 CHRISTIE STREET REGIONAL FORT WILLIAM KENORA KINGSTON KIRKLAND LAKE LONDON NORTH BAY OTTAWA ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH PETERBOROUGH SAULT STE. MARIE TIMMINS WINDSOR ASSOCIATED BELLEVILLE KITCHENER ST. CATHARINES STRATFORD WOODSTOCK DIVISION OF LABORATORIES Central Laboratory Division of Laboratories, 360 Christie St., Toronto, Ontario., January 12, 1953. Dr. Joshua Lederberg, Associate Professor of Genetics College of Agriculture, The University of Wisconsin, Madison, 6, Wisconsin. Dear Dr. Lederberg j= Since 1945 soluble starch agar as described by us in the Journal of Bacteriology in 1946, has been in constant use in these Laboratories for conditioning Salmonella cultures. In that period of time no culture has failed to respond, - either stock strains or those submitted for identification. Cultures exhibiting varying degrees of roughness have been encountered. From those that had all the R. characteristics to those that appeared smooth and were stable in broth and saline but failed to agglutinate in smooth O antiserum. From all these it has been possible to obtain a smooth "0" antigen. It is absolutely essential that the media be freshly prepared. This medium has been used successfully both by ourselves and by J.M. Desranleau in the preparation of Vi antigen. The Vi 1 strain tends to degrade to the rough state very readily. In answer to your question as to whether our results have been repeated in other Laboratories, I would refer you to the following papers: W.R. Hinshaw and Ethel McNeil, Dept. Vet. Se., University California, David, Cal. Lizards as carriers of Salmonella and paracolon bacteria. J. Bact. Vol. 53 No. 6, June 1947. Maurrice Saint - Martin and Jean - Mare Desranleau. Div. of Labs., Quebec Min. of Health, Montreal, Canada. Results obtained with a glycerolated Vi antigen in the detection of chronic typhoid carriers. Amn. J. Pub. Healt, Vol. 41 No. 6, June LYSOL. Included herewith is a reprint of our paper. Yours sincerely, a ie LATEA ln SLOSS > FA Vera MW. Crossley ; Bacteriologist - in - charge. VC/MLG Enteric Bacteriology.