2 amary 5, 1959 4 Cag Dirsotor of LaLuraboriss Untardio Depurtuent of Health Torontc, Ontario Attention: Vere i. Crossley Dear Ur. Crossieys This enquiry concerns the paper "On the use of soluble starch medium in the preparation of saaphh “C"’ Salmonella antigens", which appeared in the Journal of Baclericivgy in 1946. van you wl ue whether you have had any further experience with this pro- cedure, or ddtether it has been repeated in other laboratories? I could not be sure from the text, in the absance of arglutinin-absorntion testa, whether the starch media improves ine Ceaggiutinability of strains whieh have become par- tiaily rough, whether it aelects for the smoothest component of rough~smooth iaixiures, of whether it actually restoras the somatic antigen to cultures from which this has been essentially coapletely lost, If your experiance vermits, I wWoulu app teclaw your cuaieit on these details. Finaily, aight i ask for a reprint, Af any should still ba avallable. { e Your's aingsrely, i Joshua Lederberg Associate Profeasor of Genetics