Mareh 24, 1965 De. Francis Crick 4xC Unit for “olecular Biology Cambridge, England Dear Francis-- After your talk, I thought some more about the mechanisms of t~-RNA. Farti- cularly in mind were 1) why it is so big and 2) how Rernfield-Niereaberg binding by trinucleotide to ribosome could work. When I saw the Holley paver in science their figure 2 looked as if it would introduce the same hypothesis, but it didn't quite, and I wonder i? the “following idea is current now: The t-RNA can exist in 2 (or more) conforvations of nearly equal energy, but one of these is prevalent in the absence of the codon, and this one does not interact with the ribosome. The other is stabilized by adherence of the coon, ani this conformation does interact with the ribosome. I can even imagine that when the coon is an expose! triplet of m-RNA at the ribosome that it is the transi- tion between the two states that excites the charged end to react with the trans‘er enzyme which must be sitting at the growing point of the ocolynetide chain. The BH effect may then be not the role of the trivlet as a coligan) ‘for the t-RNA ani the ribosome, but an inducer to alter the conformation of the t-RNA to a state that then fits the ribosome. This gets away from the dilemma how shch a short wk coJon ean bind large molecules together. The t-RNA is so big as the condition for a structure that can be armed so ex- quisitely to be triggered by a small coijon, so specifically. 9 sumably one of the alternative conformations allows for internal pairing of tae"BS4on with another region of the same RNA molecule; in the other the vairing is competitevely satis- fied by the codon. Until a few more sequences are available, the guessing is hazardous, but in Holley's figure 2, one can see $hat the two right~nani alterna- tives might just f111 the bill (if the central loop in the upper figure would not readily acoomoate a bound codon). S£KEXKX Strikingly enough there are no GC* or GCU sequences that might confound the anti-codon, go I would withdraw the ijea of strict competitive paiting in favor of competing coniormations in one of which codon-pairing is hindered. Aly? An advantage of one Term of this hypothesis is that one should see physical evidence of the conformational shift by the interaction of t-RNA with codons vossibly even in the absence of other components. Not many people have the material to look at this yet. Sincerel;, oe Joshua Lederberg