October 11, 1963 CONFIDERTIAL Dr. FL. H.C. Créck M.R.C. Unit for Molecular Siology Hitls Road Cambridge, England Dear Francis: tan writing on behalf of Mort Mandel, who would give his eyeteeth to work with you. If my reaction is a bit tepid, perhaps because he has not been pushing as hard as 1 would have liked on the job he was ‘hired!’ for’ = the exploration of NMR for differential analysis of phosphate groups in DNA In connection with an exobiological problem, but he cer- tainly has the right to spend the time he has in soaking up general biology. He is enthusiastic, {| would say spottily bright, verhaps because his training Is so recent In areas | would know anything about. We had a very specific job for which he should have been well suited and (except temperanentally) undoubtedly is; we did not really inves- tigate him from your standpoint and | am still uncertain what to say. (i mean Just that, not ‘nd'). If you do yet a good reading on his qualifications as a shysicist (and his offer of a faculty position at Washington University may be testimony of It) he might play a very worthwhile role in your group, especially if you did want such a physical type anong the others. Ne is not (yet?) very aggressive In his thinking, perhaps rightly,as his factual base in biology or biochemistry started out very thin; he ts not the $zilerd type of theoretician willing to ask questions from such a base. - If you had some use for NMR = and 1 suppose you should ~ this might well tip the balance of your own judgment. Sincerely yours, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics