UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS Medical Research Council Unit ‘TELEPHONE: CAVENDISH LABORATORY CamMBRIDGE 54481 FREE SCHOOL LANE CAMBRIDGE 6th December, 1956 Professor J. Lederberg, Dept. of Genetics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. U.S.A, Dear Josh, I gather you'll be over next year for Ponte's meeting and a Ciba meeting, and we're hoping that you and Esther will be able to fit in a visit to Cambridge. There are many people here who would like to see you, and of course we'd be only too happy to put you up. Have you any idea when you might be here? Ive just been on a visit to Edinburgh. Avrion Mitchison asked me to mention that they'd also like you to visit them if you can manage it. Nothing exciting here except that our biochemist, Vernon Ingram, has gone a long way to establishing an amino acid difference between normal and sickle-cell haemoglobin, which, if confirmed, will be the first case of a mendelian gene altering an amino-acid sequence in &@ protein. There was a brief account recently in Nature. Sydney Brenner arrives at the end of this month, and we have plans to try a similar sort of thing in phage. , ret With best wishes to you both, batt “y Yours ever, x F, H. C. Crick