March 18, 1952 Dr. Philip B. Cowles Dept. Microblology Yale University New Haven, Conn. Dear Dr. Cowles: Wy wife and I were interested to read the recent papers from your laboratory on lysogenicity in B. megateriua. We have been interested in BE. coli lysogenicity for some time, but are only just getting around to sumaarizing our work. The enclosed abstract may give some idea of ite directions. I wanted to ask you, first, for reprints of the above-gentioned, but also whether, by any chance, you can help me locate or find more about the "flagellar" phages originally described by Sertic and Boulgakov, and later by Rakieten and Bornstéén. Rakieten's military service lost his cultures for him, and I ama little pessimisticapbout the chances of reisolating them by straightforward search. Have you ever heard anything about them? With best regards, Sincerely, i i i / ee ff io res ol oshua Lederberg ;