Laboratoire Pasteur PARIS (V9), le = July 9 1950 de Rue d’Ulm, 96 (INSTITUT DU RADIUM Tél.: ODEON 45-75 Wg Service de Radiobiologie et de Cancérologie de Prof. Jd. LovskBG INSTITUT PASTEUR ab oan . sor De or Genetics 4 University of ..isconsin bho JL JTS0K fa © (U.5..4.) eisc. Ke 5 ce ye Jear Lederberg, mo Aauoust 25, I'll fly to the U.S. where Itll stay until the end of October. I'll sttend several meetines numely one at the urcorne 1 soratory on september Zh-20. I would very much like to this onportunity for spening the time between September 17 .nd 23 around vnic-~o and visit o few lsbs .nd centers. The peonle I would like to meet in thot crea are chierly Ledervers,iusch, sillier, vovick , Luria, Guamen Sorron. viay [To tune the liberty of aSxins you if you could rrense with these veople « litile visitins prorram for me. Of course, I will hove « few invorm.l tolks in my prier cause, which are heresy listed. Or course, also, I'll be retner snort in soil. rs. I ot « fund sor my oversea trip put not Yor visits «round the country. Jo you taink that if “ive some ot these lsccures I could ~et some Vin.nelel help * wound VOU. in the case you would be busy or away et thot time, pernurps you could Yorword my leteer vo Or. susch. Please forcive me for puttins you into play as en lmoressario, end tahonk you very much in .dvencee I 'll be very clad to meet you in cny case, sl. to Giscuss with you some prociems,especi.ily tht of on invucicle system in K12-3 (the secsitive str int with kin: reccrds A ag scone Z ' ee JreteLiterjet Pwo. Piesse write me .t the lob until .u ust 20. Later on c/o lirs J. BiH, Dal tis U —— O72 fiith .venue loo YOSK Raymond LATARJET M.D., Dy.Se. Jirector of the Institut du Redium - Paris « 1) Radiobiological studies on a transforming agent of Pneumococcus. 2) Compared actions of radiations and of organic peroxides on some bacterial and viral functions. 3) Photo- and peroxidase - restoration of UV-irradiated bacteria . 4) Mouse leukemia and virus . A discussion.