Research Bacteriology - Bldg. 54 - Rm. 16 VETERANS ADMINISTRATION cecceeeee HOS PITA L.....-. Hines, Illinois YOUR FILE REFERENCE: September 19, 1952 IN REPLY REFER TO: Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics College of Agriculture Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Dr. Lederberg: We have used no very precise methods in preparing the McLeod's synthetic medium except for using reagents of highest purity for our work with MN®Q. ‘The composition of the medium was as follows: Ammonium sulfate 4.72 grams Asparagine 2.0 7 Sodium chloride 5.0 " Teo. ( , 2.0 " PO, mie 4 5 100, mle Va OH (N) 16.4 ml. (or to pH 7.8) i 0.6% solutions of MgCl,, Fe Cl, and Ca Cl, were freshly pre- pared separately, then mixed, arid 1.0 mi of the mixture was added to the mediun. Distilled water 1000 ml. Chemicals were weighed only roughly on a triple beam balance accurate to 0.01 gram, even for the u/s KH, PO, solution. 2°74 pH should be about 7.8 before autoclaving, using the amount of NaOH designated; if not, NaOH was added to this point. pH after autoclaving at 12 lbs. for 20 minutes, 7.6. Medium was distributed by hand-pipetting with 25 ml measuring pipettes in 24.5 ml. amounts into 8" x 1" test tubes.- Difco nutrient agar, (B 69), was used for streaking oultures and for slants. I trust that your efforts will meet with more success this time. s org Ye es E A. COLWELL, Ph. D. HARLO An inquiry by or concerning an ex-service man or woman shoul it possible, give veteran's name and file number, whether C, XC, K, N, or V. If such file number is unknown, service or serial number should be given.