Ref. 5076-LOE5C September 15, 1952 Dr. Charlotte Colwell Veterans Adminda&tration Hospital Hines, Illinois Dear Dr. Colwell: Your letter and culturas were on my desk when I returned from my vacation Saturday. Thank you very much for taking the trouble to go over your ex- periment again. I have streaked out the slants on nutrient agar and, of course, promtly eaw the SCV for myself. fie will go ahead now to try to repeat yout techhdque for making them. Might I ask for precise directions on making up the synthetic medium? This seems to be the only Way we could be going wrong. we have baen using MNQ us furnished by General Blochemiculs. We have picked up one lead that may be promising for other pur~ peess: UNY, cud probably benzoquinune alsu, have a selective effect favoring auxotrophic mitante very sfallar to that show by penicillin. It is not iupossible that this is the underlying mechanisa for the production of the SCV. de’ Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg