april 12, 1949. Dr. A. H. Doerrmann, Carnegie Inst., Cold Spring Harbor, L.I., N.Y. Dear Gus: If you still have one handy, I wonder if you could send me a copy of the Phage Information Service in which you detailed your work on the enumeration of intracellular phage. E. coli K-12 turns out to be lysogenic, and I think that I'd like to try to count the number of phage particles that it's carrying per cell. I've been trying to use radiation, a la Preer, but with very sporadio success so far. Just to antisipate a question, lysogenicity has nothing to do with recombination, although the latent virus does condition resistance (by Interference?} to u f6-phage isolated from sewage for just this characteristic. | Thanks for your assistance. If there's tims, I'll try to visit the labs the week of May 30 when I may be East. Sincerely, Joshua Lederberg