NEW YORK 27, N. Y. SECRETARY OF THE UNIVERSITY September 21, 1955 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Genetics Devartment University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin Dear Dr. Lederberg: the State Historical Society of Wisconsin in Medison, Wisecnsin, has invited the President of Colunbia University to attend the Mededication Cerenonies on the 7th and 8th of Cetober. As he is unable to attend the ceremonies, he would tcke great oleasure in designating you to represent Columbia University, if that meets with your approval. I vould appreciate your notifying ne promptly yeu are willing to be our delegate so that I may r send formal notice cf your designation tn the nroner authcrities. Sincerely yours, Richard Herpers Sceretary of the University 4 “Hemfh