Lape Columbia Gnibersitp inthe City of Hew Pork [NEW YORK 27, N. Y.] May 26, 1952 Dr. J. Lederberg University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin Dear Dr. Lederberg: Ags part of our University planning, our committee is making a study concerning personnel and fields of academic interest. In an effort to obtain opinions from sources out- side our own institution, we are asking a few leaders in various specialized fields to give us the benefit of their thinking. It has been suggested that you might be willing to help us by listing on the enclosed form the names of those ten active men whom you consider to have the most outstanding aca- demic ability in your field of specialized interest as noted on the form. It is not our objective to "rank" individuals, and therefore it does not matter in what order these names ap- pear, We are enclosing a stamped self-addressed envelope for your reply. We would be very grateful for your cooperation in this matter, and we can assure you that this information will be held in strict confidence, Sincerely yours, et A emery Cristopher Mady Secretary, University Development Plan Committee