Geptenber 1, 1951 Mee lee Cele, 1504 Craig, Cerpus Christ, Texas Dear Mr. Cole: Your letter of August 31 has been received and is wiler advisenent. We have a limited musber of vacant employment opportunities, for yhich yor qualifications appear to be more than adequate. I sheuld like to P11) these vacancies es soon as possible, ani will look forward te seeing you at your earliest convenience to complete arrangements. Frem 10 - 20 houre work, during the school year, may be available, at pay rates of e7@ ~ .80 per hour. For the next three or four weeks, a semewhat heavier schedule will be open, except for the interval Sept. 9 - 15, when the laboratory will be closed. Your letter does not implicitly state, but I have inferred that you are planning to enter into graduate study here. It will be ef mutual benefit if you could mention specifically when you plan to arrive here. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg, Asscoiate Professor of Genetics PeSe On rereading your letter, I note that you may have much more than the usual experience of recent B.A, graduates. If so, it may be possible to work cut a somewhat different arrangement than that detailed above. Jel