Qctober 2, 1954 Dr. Melvin Cohn Dept. Microbiology Washjngton University School of Medicine St. louis, MO. My dear Cohn; I will aceept your note as greetings, and return them warmly, For its formal purpose (repbinte) it was quite unnecessary, though I rather lazily save reprint mailings for an annual chore, It might straighten out the records if you could let me know which of the reprints you do already have, accerding to the numcers on the attached lists and I will send on whatever is missing that I can later, Your new project sounds fascinating, and all success in it, For my own information, has anyone succeeding in getting certain continuation of antibédy syntheags in proliferating explants? The best I had known was still not very dramatic, some older work (by Meede I tiak) on tubarculin sensitivity. or do you know of any good evidence of the sensitisagion of once-established explants? Again, what I've seen had left me wore confused than enlightened, But there's the challenge, I suppose/ Unfortunately there are too many looses ands still be ve cleaned up in K. coli genetios for me to be abie to look forward very soon to tie refreshment of a change, Lately, I have been preoccupied with the microscopic characterization ef conjugel pairs in K-12, which proves quite easy after tne first time, The peire last about 1- 2 hours, then separate, Both exconjugants can then proliferate, but recoubinants ars found only in the ciones from the « parent celi. So fertilization is unilateral and, as nad been suspected without strong preof for 8 long tine, we can rather aloppily consider i~ as "feunle" anf 74 or Hir as male" (or, more accurutely,as hermaphroditic). The older programs on Salmonella and on E. coli transduction are also continuings Esther still ties these together with lysoganicity, and then more recently we have some new atudies on actinonycetas and yess’ (the latter being a new angle on cvtoplasamic transfer), [tm not doing a thing now on lactase, but Jacques probably told vou 6f Roris Kotments interest in factivation®, Give our regards to Kornbergs if you find a chance to pay us a vieit, do give ts the opportunity of adding at least two more to your many Friends in Madison. Yours sincerely Joshua Lederberg